Live Online Instructor-Led Algorand Developer Workshop
The Certified Algorand Developer course and your Certification, Experience, and Employment outcome are best when partnered with a Live Online Instructor-Led Algorand Developer Workshop.
- February 23, 2024 – 11 AM to 2 PM EST
- April 26, 2024 – 11 AM to 2 PM EST
- June 26, 2024 – 11 AM to 2 PM EST
- September 26, 2024 – 11 AM to 2 PM EST
- December 20, 2024 – 11 AM to 2 PM EST
Attend Multiple Workshops
You can attend this Live Online Instructor-Led workshop as often as you like. Priority seating is provided to first-time attendees.
Hands-On Instructor-Led Exercises covering:
A Certified Algorand Developer demonstrates the knowledge to develop and maintain Algorand Distributed Applications (DApps), client applications, and smart contracts. The certification credential verifies the skills and knowledge of Algorand use-cases and Algorand’s development ecosystem that includes DApps, Smart Contracts, and features using the latest Algorand APIs SDKs and development model. A developer must also be able to:
- Build and configure a development environment.
- Develop and build Algorand applications, smart contracts, and other applications using Algorand SDKs and APIs.
- Complete the end-to-end application lifecycle, i.e., build and test applications.
- Install, build and develop in one of the many Algorand SDK programming languages.
- Passing a high integrity exam demonstrates the candidate’s ability to perform challenging real-world tasks under time constraints and your extensive Algorand skills and understanding.
Benefits of attending the Live Instructor-Led Algorand Developer Workshop:
- Personalized Learning – Our experienced instructors tailor approaches and answer your specific questions on a 1:1 basis with small groups of learners.
- Immediate Feedback – If a certain self-paced module is confusing, too slow, or too fast, our instructors can immediately accommodate real-time feedback.
- Hands-On Experience – The Certified Algorand Developer course already includes hands-on assignments. The live workshop builds on this experience in a collaborative instructor-led effort.
- Networking – You can meet both the instructor and others in your workshop who are building their skills and network of industry professionals. Dedicated time and space for learning also help you better absorb the information and processes to translate your knowledge into your field of work.
- Blended Learning Lowers Costs and Improves Outcomes – A knowledgeable blockchain instructor’s time and experience are valuable, making 100% live courses, either classroom or live online, somewhat costly and not always aligned with your schedule. The blended learning approach that the Certified Algorand Developer course, combined with the live workshop, offers you the flexibility to learn the self-paced components at your own pace and attend a regularly scheduled Live Workshop. Those who attend have better opportunities to ask questions, meet a potential partner or employer, and achieve higher passing scores on the AI-Proctored Web3 Certification Board (W3CB) Algorand Developer Certification.