W3CB Web3+ Practice Exams
The Web3+ Practice Exams prepare you to sit for the W3CB Web3+ Certification Exam from the Web3 Certification Board (W3CB) credentialing body. With this purchase, you can take 50-question practice exams designed to mimic the official AI-Proctored 50-question Web3+ Certification exam. Each practice exam attempt randomizes 50 questions out of over 100 possible questions that you can anticipate seeing on the live AI-proctored exam. There is no limit to the number of times you can take the practice exam.
W3CB Certification Competencies
The practice exam includes questions from the Focus Areas as defined in the W3CB Web3+ Exam Competencies.
Language: English
50 questions every practice exam attempt
- 50 questions are randomized out of over 100 total questions.
60-minute timer
- To mimic the W3CB Web3+ Certification AI-Proctored Exam the practice exam provides you 60 minutes on each attempt.
- The timer begins upon clicking the START
- At 60 minutes, your exam will time out, and your answers will be submitted
- Any unanswered questions will be marked incorrect.
Passing Score Recommendation, 80% or greater
- The W3CB W3F1 AI-Proctored Exam requires 70% or greater to pass.
- We recommend achieving at least 80% or greater prior to sitting for the AI-Proctored Exam.
Unlimited Practice Exam Attempts