W3CB Blockchain HealthTech Professional Practice Exams
The practice exams prepare you to sit for the W3CB Blockchain HealthTech Professional Level 2 2023 Certification (W3F1) Exam from the Web3 Certification Board (W3CB) credentialing body. With this purchase, you can take 50-question practice exams designed to mimic the AI-Proctored 75-question BHP2 Certification exam. Each practice exam attempt randomizes 75 questions out of over 150 possible questions that you can anticipate seeing on the live AI-proctored exam. There is no limit to the number of times you can take the practice exam, and the cost is $75.
W3CB Certification Competencies
The practice exam includes questions from the Focus Areas as defined in the W3CB Blockchain HealthTech Professional Level 2 Exam Competencies.
Language: English
75 questions every practice exam attempt
- 75 questions are randomized out of over 150 total questions.
60-minute timer
- To mimic the W3CB BHP2 Certification AI-Proctored Exam the practice exam provides you 60 minutes on each attempt.
- The timer begins upon clicking the START
- At 60 minutes, your exam will time out, and your answers will be submitted
- Any unanswered questions will be marked incorrect.
Passing Score Recommendation, 80% or greater
- The W3CB BHP2 AI-Proctored Exam requires 70% or greater to pass.
- We recommend achieving at least 80% or greater prior to sitting for the AI-Proctored Exam.
Unlimited Practice Exam Attempts