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Introduction to Blockchain Scrum Master

· January 17, 2024

Introduction to Blockchain Scrum Master


  • OnDemand Video: 2
  • Sefl Study Hours: 1


The Introduction to Blockchain Scrum Master course is a comprehensive guide to understanding and implementing Agile and Scrum principles in the context of blockchain technology development. It starts with a robust exploration of the Agile Manifesto, Agile methodologies, and their relevance to blockchain. This knowledge is further extended with insights into Agile economics, option benefits, and debunking myths. As the course progresses, participants will delve into the roles within a Scrum team, understanding the importance of each role in a blockchain project context. Furthermore, the course provides a thorough understanding of Scrum iterations, its elements, and how they are applied in a blockchain project. Lastly, the course provides an overview of blockchain-specific elements and leadership strategies necessary for the effective execution of Scrum.

Questions We Explore:

  • How does the Agile Manifesto apply to blockchain development?
  • What are the economic benefits of using Agile in blockchain development?
  • What are the roles in a Scrum Team, and how are they manifested in a blockchain context?
  • How do Scrum iterations function in the lifecycle of a blockchain project?
  • What unique aspects of blockchain technology should leadership consider in Scrum implementation?

Learner Outcomes:

  • Understand the Agile Manifesto and Agile methodologies in the context of blockchain development.
  • Evaluate the economic benefits and address myths surrounding Agile implementation in blockchain projects.
  • Understand Scrum roles and how they fit into a blockchain project team.
  • Implement Scrum iterations effectively within the lifecycle of a blockchain project.
  • Recognize the unique aspects of blockchain technology and apply effective leadership strategies for Scrum implementation.

Graduates Earn:

  • NFT Certificate of Course Completion
  • Prepare to take the Web3 Certification Board (W3CB) Exam
    • Course content covers the following percentage of exam competencies: 
      • 15% of the Blockchain Enterprise Professional III Certification exam.
      • 10% of the Blockchain Project Manager II Certification exam.
      • 5% of the Smart Contract Developer I Certification exam.
+42 enrolled
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Course Includes

  • 5 Lessons
  • 19 Topics
  • 6 Exams