Bitcoin Mining Bootcamp

· August 5, 2024

Bitcoin Mining Bootcamp

Welcome to the online portion of your program.  You will complete your hands-on portion of your bootcamp at one of the upcoming live classroom offerings within nine states, or on-line at-home  via the Online Bitcoin Mining Workshop.  From here you will be able to navigate to resources, projects and quizzes as a part of each lesson.  The program begins with live online instruction at the dates below, accessible within each lesson.

Your Anticipated Time Commitment: 40 Hours

  • 12 Hours of Live Online Instruction
  • 14 Hours of Online Assessments and Self-Paced Learning
  • 14 Hours of Classroom Program Recap and Live Hands-on Machine Configuration
  • Extra 2 Hours, or more, when participating in the live instructor-led online AMA sessions

Completing this program prepares you to take the Miner+ industry Certification exam by the Web3 Certification Board (W3CB).

Technical & Learner Support:

  • su*****@on***.io

Complete the following courses – Live Online:

  • Practical Mining Operations
  • Fundamentals of Bitcoin and Crypto Mining
  • Advanced Technical Aspects of Crypto Mining
  • Mastering Mining Technologies: Innovations and Solutions
  • Economics and Investment Strategies in Crypto Mining

Register below to attend any of the upcoming cohorts:

Register for one cohort.  If you miss one of the four days of consecutive live online courses you will be

  • September Mining Cohort
    • Monday, September 23rd through Thursday, September 26
    • 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM Central Time
    • Reserve Your Seat
  • October Mining Cohort

    • Monday, October 21st through Thursday, October 24th
    • 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM Central Time
    • Reserve Your Seat
  • November Mining Cohort
    • Monday, November 18th through Thursday, November 21st
    • 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM Central Time
    • Reserve Your Seat

Live Instructor AMA Event – 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM Central Time

Career Track Outcomes

  • Certificates of Completion – Soulbound NFT Credential reflecting Bitcoin Mining Bootcamp.
  • Web3 Certification Board Exams
  • Passing score: 80% or greater on each exam reflected above.
  • Exam attempts included: One (1) 
  • Exam retakes allowed: Two (2) retakes within 12 months.
  • Passing the exam mints your soulbound NFT digital badge W3CB Certification credential to the blockchain.  
    • Share your achievement online, enabling reviewers to easily validate the ownership, award date, and skills acquired.

Not Enrolled
This course is currently closed

Course Includes

  • 5 Lessons